KRUNG THEP - Bangkok in Thai Language

Lumpini Park

Map of Lumpini Park - Click to viewStatue of RAMA VI in front of Lumpini ParkNamed after the Buddha's birthplace in Nepal, this is Bangkok's largest and most popular park. The park is bordered by Rama IV Road to the South, Sarasin Road to the North, Witthayu Road to the East and Ratchadamri Road to the West, with entrance gates on all sides.  A large artificial lake in the center is surrounded by broad, well-tended lawns, wooded areas and walking paths. In other words, it is the best outdoor escape from Bangkok without leaving town.

Lake in the Lumpini ParkOne of the best times to visit the park is in the early morning. Suan (Park) Lumpini is a place of moods rather than  sights.  In the morning it is full of people exercising.  More striking and graceful than the joggers are Chinese Tai Chi groups,   making slow movements to music. The practitioners of Tai Chi who can be seen in Lumpini Park every early morning (around 5 AM-7:AM) put less strain on their bodies' circulation. Tai Chi is a rather soft Chinese form of exercise, healthy not only for the body but allegedly also for the mind.

Along the gates, vendors set up tables to dispense fresh snake blood and bile  considered a health tonic by many Thais and Chinese.  Rowing boats and puddle boats can be rented at the lake.

A weight-lifting area in one section becomes a miniature " music beach" on the weekends. Other facilities include a snack bar, several areas with tables and benches for picnics and a couple of  tables where ladies serve Chinese tea. Rest rooms are placed at  intervals throughout the park.

Musical shows are sometimes held in this spacious park. The park which is enclosed by a high wall and locked overnight.. It can be argued whether the joggers serve their health by doing their practice there as the surrounding part of town is heavily polluted. Nevertheless, the elaborate jogging track, complete with stops for weight lifting and special gymnastics, is in use all day, especially in the early mornings and late afternoons.


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